Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes what personal information is collected from users of the website and further how this information is protected.

User Account

You can register a user by logging in via Steam. Basic information from your Steam profile will be stored in the database. Specifically your Steam ID, display name, real name, creation date, country code, state code, and city code will automatically be collected and stored when you login via Steam.


If you register a user on this website you will be sent newsletters and advertisement on a weekly basis. The content of the emails will only pertain to services and content available on this website. You can opt out of receiving these emails by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any such email. When you visit this website advertisement related cookies will be stored in your browser. These cookies are for Google Display network, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and will let us target you on these platforms with ads pertaining to services accessible on this website. To opt out of Google ads, simply adjust your advertisement settings in your Google profile. To opt out of the Facebook ads simply click the gear icon in the upper right corner of ad and opt out. You can hide specific instagram ads or opt out of seeing ads based on your activity outside of instagram in your device’s setting. To opt out of Twitter ads just go your privacy settings in your Twitter account and uncheck the “Tailor ads based on information shared by ad partners”.

Storage And Security

The website is protected by 256 bit SSL encryption and all software is kept up to date at all times to prevent long standing vurnerabilities. Our server is also scanned daily to ensure it is not open to attacks and that it is not hosting any malware. The server itself is located in a high security facility protected from unauthorized access and use. Your information is protected with appropriate technical safe guards and administrative protocols but no method of transmission over the Internet is 100% secure and no server is 100% secure. So although we do everything we can to keep our information secure, we can not guarantee its absolute security.